Peace Ambassadors The Gambia

Give Peace a Chance

Home About Us

Welcome To Peace Ambassadors - The Gambia

Peace Ambassadors-The Gambia (PAG), is an international peace education and advocacy organization focusing on youth and peace. It was established in The Gambia on 17th May 2001.

The organization was conceived based on the realization that whole generations of young people live in the absence of peace bearing the consequences on their minds and bodies. Un peaceful environments created by armed conflict, genocide, civil, racial and politically motivated wars prevail, causing continuous violence, instability, destruction, poverty, hunger, ill health  and underdevelopment. Women and children are the categories of people most affected by lack of peace.

Our Core Values

  1. Peace, stability and prosperity for all;
  2. Belief in peaceful co-existence;
  3. Belief in the absence of conflicts and strife;
  4. Belief in the potential of young people;
  5. Support young people as future leaders;
  6. Support pro peace policies;
  7. Belief in mediation and reconciliation;
  8. Learning and sharing knowledge, skills and experiences;
  9. Respect the views, beliefs, religion, culture and traditions of people;
  10. Working in collaboration and partnership with communities and other development partners;


To work with young people, communities and other development partners to achieve and sustain peace, stability and development in The Gambia and beyond.


A society where peace, stability and sustainable development prevail.


We are appreciated by The Community

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Jane Doe


"Video provides a powerful way to help you prove your point. When you click Online Video, you can paste in the embed code for the video you want to add. You can also type a keyword to search online for the video that best fits your document."

John Doe


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